Sunday 22 September 2013

Week Three

Digital Design

Digital design week has definitely been my favourite so far. I aim to study print for my degree and I love working with technology so it was really a perfect combination for me. I have worked with photoshop before but I wouldn't say I was advanced but its something I really want to learn so I was very motivated.

The first day we had some basic photoshop lessons that involved making pattern blocks to be used in repeat patterns. I found this task relatively easy as we were using very basic photoshop skills. Some of the patterns included using selective tools to cut and repeat from existing images. This is one of the first pattern blocks I made.

The next task was to use our family history as Inspiration to come up with designs to be used as part of repeat patterns. I came up with a mood board before coming up with some illustrations to use in my designs. I then scanned these designs into illustrator to live trace so they could be coloured easily in photoshop. Here are some of the print designs I have come up with: 

We then learnt to render our designs to garments to see what they might look like. I decided that I wanted to add my designs to my own illustrations. I think putting the designs onto existing garments makes it look quite professional. 

Sunday 15 September 2013

Week Two

Design development

This weeks task was to develop designs taking inspiration from our previous research. We had to take a shape from our work and use that as an influence for our designs. I used a diamond as my shape because its made up of lots of different angular shapes and I thought this could help me generate some interesting designs.

This task was to come up with quick designs based on our selected shape. This task was quite challenging at first because we had to be really quick. However once I started, my ideas began to evolve quite quickly. Some of the designs weren't very good at all because I was trying to get used to the pace of working so I rushed some ideas, but It was useful to get some quick ideas on paper before refining my ideas into more put together designs. 

The next task was to take our initial designs and refine them to make a collection. I like my designs because I think each item works well as part of the collection and on its own. We were designing for the high street and I think I have demonstrated a good understanding of the brief as my designs are quite simple but have small details that make them different to other similar garments. 

Sunday 8 September 2013

Week one

Day one: Research

To begin the project for this term we were asked to bring in personal objects that have a meaning to us. Using these objects we took photographs and made primary drawings to make foundations for our research. I took a number of photos experimenting with the positioning of my objects. The first image shows a quite precise and clinical approach and the second a more messy, random way of working. I like both images because the viewer might make different assumptions of the owner of the items based on the way they have been photographed. 

I then went on to make some observations of my items. I think I have made a good start into my research for this project as I have already used a variety of mediums to make observations. The feedback from staff was that the contrast between my photos was interesting and showed I can work in different ways. This helped the development of my work as I continued to experiment with different ways of working. 

Day two: Research

To continue our research stage of the project we were asked to make a 3D image board combining our objects with words that relate to them. I decided to do this task using one of my photographs from the previous day and to add the words digitally.

I think the fact I made this digitally has added to the success of this piece of work. Using the computer allowed me to play around with the positioning of the words and allowed me to use different fonts to represent different feelings.

Day two: Mind map

The next stage of our research involved making a mind map relating to the seven areas of self: physicality, genes, family history, personality, likes/dislikes and symbols. The success of my 3D image board inspired me to again use digital methods to make my mind map. I used a very simple process in keynote to add words to each slide relating to an area of self. I intended to do this all on one page but the feedback from staff was that I should make a page for each area. This enabled me to think about the design and select fonts that matched with that theme. For example I selected a bubble style font for personality to reflect my happy personality. I used plain black and white because I wanted it to be all about the words. Part of the task was to abstract the words on the outer edge of the mind map, I found this quite difficult as some areas were easier to abstract then others.

Day two: 10 pictures workshop

For this task we were asked to make a list of ten abstract words that we got from our mind maps. Then to source images that represent these words. I used the internet to source some of my images and used books and magazines for some. We then took part in a workshop where we had to arrange another persons images in an aesthetically pleasing way, connecting the images thats we thought related to one another. The point of this task was to learn about the way we present and connect images. I enjoyed working in this way as it gave us a chance to figure out what worked and what didn't instead of being told. I learnt about presentation in this task and how to make my work more interesting to look at. Some of these tips include having a range of sizes and not having too many similar images. It was interesting to see how other members of the class put my images together and the difference in the connections they made.

This is the layout I decided to go with. I started with the biggest image and worked out. I really like it because it looks interesting and I think the contrast between the square shapes and the cutout images works well. 

Day Three: Research Development

The task for day three was to continue adding to our sketchbooks developing on the research we had done during the week. I decided to make some imagery from my image map (see previous image). I wanted to develop the image of a diamond as its a symbol thats very personal to me. I used straight lines to abstract the diamond design. I like it because it reminds me of the art deco style. Then I cut up an image of a galaxy to make the second diamond. This is taking inspiration from the star image on my moodboard. I like it because it brings more attention the shapes in the diamond. In addition to these developments I also made some quick oil pastel studies based on some of my images.