Sunday 22 September 2013

Week Three

Digital Design

Digital design week has definitely been my favourite so far. I aim to study print for my degree and I love working with technology so it was really a perfect combination for me. I have worked with photoshop before but I wouldn't say I was advanced but its something I really want to learn so I was very motivated.

The first day we had some basic photoshop lessons that involved making pattern blocks to be used in repeat patterns. I found this task relatively easy as we were using very basic photoshop skills. Some of the patterns included using selective tools to cut and repeat from existing images. This is one of the first pattern blocks I made.

The next task was to use our family history as Inspiration to come up with designs to be used as part of repeat patterns. I came up with a mood board before coming up with some illustrations to use in my designs. I then scanned these designs into illustrator to live trace so they could be coloured easily in photoshop. Here are some of the print designs I have come up with: 

We then learnt to render our designs to garments to see what they might look like. I decided that I wanted to add my designs to my own illustrations. I think putting the designs onto existing garments makes it look quite professional. 

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