Sunday 15 September 2013

Week Two

Design development

This weeks task was to develop designs taking inspiration from our previous research. We had to take a shape from our work and use that as an influence for our designs. I used a diamond as my shape because its made up of lots of different angular shapes and I thought this could help me generate some interesting designs.

This task was to come up with quick designs based on our selected shape. This task was quite challenging at first because we had to be really quick. However once I started, my ideas began to evolve quite quickly. Some of the designs weren't very good at all because I was trying to get used to the pace of working so I rushed some ideas, but It was useful to get some quick ideas on paper before refining my ideas into more put together designs. 

The next task was to take our initial designs and refine them to make a collection. I like my designs because I think each item works well as part of the collection and on its own. We were designing for the high street and I think I have demonstrated a good understanding of the brief as my designs are quite simple but have small details that make them different to other similar garments. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lucy, I like your designs, they are very clean. However I think you should evaluate your work a bit more and state what you could have done better?, what you would do if you had the chance to do it again? and what you will do next time?.

    Thank you, Lara.
